Head office
IntaCapital Swiss SA
Rue du Rhône 80 - 84
CH - 1204 Genève
Becoming tax efficient means that all options to minimise tax liability have been optimized. For group structures this means the implementation of international structures and intelligent cross-company relationships. It means that assets are in the correct place, sitting correctly within the group structure and that borrowings are burdened by the right company or special purpose vehicle.
Cross-company accounting procedures may need to be reviewed. As with any restructure, to become tax efficient may mean a good spring-clean of the business. Knowing the way around international corporate and tax law is essential.
To structure a perfect, tax safe and legal strategy to withstand any tax investigation is paramount in creating a solid corporate structure and to maximise the profitability of the business. At the same time, it must be credible and avoid ‘scrupulous’ jurisdictions that could give the company a bad image to its shareholders. It is equally important that the structures employed does not install fears of the ‘skimming’ of profits away from the shareholders.
Various intelligent and complex financial strategies are employed in these strategies. International structures, tax trusts and SPV’s can be employed to offset tax liabilities, extinguish capital gain and to avoid direct tax. The correct corporate structure can also help in offsetting and lowering VAT / TVA liability, particularly with Swiss – Euro structures.
As well as corporate tax structuring and private tax trusts, ICS can introduce senior executives with Swiss residencies connected to their corporate structure to provide not only low corporation taxes but moreover a tax friendly environment to receive dividends and bonuses.
To find out how you can become tax optimised, contact us in strictest confidence where our expert tax partners will be able to help and offer the necessary step-by-step assistance.
IntaCapital Swiss SA
Rue du Rhône 80 - 84
CH - 1204 Genève
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